Software by mistakes


Welcome to my homepage, sometimes with useful information.

About me

I have a broad spectrum of work experiences, from self-employed working with websites, to full time programmer in various languages. My many years of experience gives my a great understanding of tooling and reviewing/discussing solutions for the issues at hand.

Currently I work Aarhus Denmark, where I develop various software solutions, mainly with Dockers, creating APIs, using SQL, and configurating NixOS servers, using languages like Python and Java and a lot of shell scripting.

About the site

My purpose is to give people access to knowledge I would usually put down on a notepad and forget about it.

I have been working on what I call Insane Home Projects which includes the creation of an operating system from the bottom up.

I have been researching various ways to organize the project, but it's getting overwhelming, so I thought to organize it in some notes. As much of the information I find online is spread in many places, I think it might also benefit others, if I get it better organized.

I call the site Software by mistakes because I think the best way to learn is to make mistakes, and this is definitely the case in software development. Programming is a skill that takes many years to master, and there is always new paradigms to explore.